Dr. Shazia K. Diez
Licensed Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Physician

Services & Rates

1st Consultation plus Treatment

90 minutes: $130


The consultation begins with an open and comprehensive discussion about your health history, lifestyle, and any specific concerns you may have. Our acupuncture physician values your input, seeking to understand not just the symptoms but the unique aspects of your overall well-being.

Feel free to share your experiences, any ongoing health challenges, and your goals for seeking acupuncture. This conversation is an integral part of crafting a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs.

Our acupuncture physician may conduct a traditional Chinese medicine assessment, which involves examining various aspects such as pulse, tongue, and other diagnostic methods. This allows for a deeper understanding of the imbalances within your body's energy flow, guiding the development of a tailored treatment plan. 

Following the assessment, our acupuncture physician will discuss the proposed treatment plan with you. This is a collaborative process, and your input is valued as we work together to create a roadmap for your healing journey. The treatment plan may include acupuncture sessions, herbal recommendations, lifestyle adjustments, or other holistic modalities.


The acupuncture process involves the gentle insertion of sterile, hair-thin needles into specific acupuncture points on your body. Many clients find this process surprisingly comfortable and even relaxing. The needles are strategically placed to stimulate the body's natural healing response and restore energetic balance. Once the needles are in place, you'll have the opportunity to sink into a state of deep relaxation. Many clients describe sensations of warmth, tingling, or a subtle flow of energy during the session. This meditative state encourages the release of tension, stress, and supports the body's innate healing abilities.

Your first consultation at Sana Rana Healing is more than an appointment; it's the beginning of a holistic healing journey tailored to you.


60 minutes: $75

        Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used forms of medicine in the world. Originating in China more than 2,500 years ago, acupuncture is currently one of the most thoroughly researched, practiced, and respected forms of complementary medicine available anywhere.

        According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, your overall health is determined by the quality of the Qi (energy) flow through the natural pathways of your body (meridians). Acupuncture uses a variety of techniques, including placing very thin sterile needles into specific points on the body, to stimulate and improve your Qi flow. The many benefits of acupuncture include:

  • Pain reduction
  • Stress and tension relief
  • Increased energy levels
  • Stronger digestion
  • Relief from bad habits and addictions
  • Greater sense of overall health and well-being


20 minutes: $45

      Cupping has been a part of Chinese Medicine for over 2,500 years. It is a therapeutic technique designed to promote circulation, alleviate tension, and restore balance within the body.

During the cupping session, specialized cups are applied to specific points on your body using suction. The cups create a gentle vacuum, lifting the skin and underlying tissues. This process promotes blood flow, releases tension, and encourages the body's natural detoxification process.

As the cups create a gentle suction, you may experience a mild pulling or tugging sensation. Many clients find this process deeply relaxing, as the cups work to release muscular tension and improve the flow of energy (Qi) within the body. 

After a designated period, the cups are gently removed, and your practitioner may incorporate additional techniques, such as massage or acupressure, to further enhance the benefits of the session. You'll be encouraged to share your experience and any sensations felt during the treatment.